Protection Is Better Than Cure

God’s passion is for us to enjoy a long healthy life. He has lavished upon us, life bursting natural provisions yet the general state of our health is disturbing.

This book conveys the needed revelation: the Holy Spirit our health mentor empowers us to live in optimum health, so that we may fulfill God’s purposes for our lives.




Chapter 1 God’s passion is for you to enjoy a long healthy life ………2

The Holy Spirit reveals how God tenderly cares for us

Why are so many Christians not walking in divine health?

Protection through spiritual and natural laws

The laws of the Spirit (Romans 8:1-4) The laws of nature

Chapter 2 Let the Holy Spirit be Your Health Mentor ……………….13

The Holy Spirit God’s representative on earth?

Why we need the Holy Spirit

Salvation through Jesus Christ

Chapter 3 Protection the Missing Link to Divine Health ……………18

God’s protection our frontline of defense,

available but not automatic

Health: one of the most precious assets we have from God

Are you a good steward of God’s temple?

Who is in charge of your health?


Chapter 4 Health …………………………………………………………………24

What is health? What was God’s original plan

for divine health?

Prayer for wisdom

Chapter 5 Do you know your body? ……………………………………….29

The cell

Basic needs

Listen to your body, Take control of your health:

you are in charge

Chapter 6 Nutrition the Foundation of Health …………………………35

Appreciating and appropriating God’s natural

provisions for our health

Unleash the power of nutrition for optimum health

Nutrient classifi cation

Energy, Calories

Proteins, Carbohydrates, Fats

The Essential Fatty Acids

Chapter 7 The Immune System ……………………………………………..43

God has already provided everything we need

for divine health

A strong immune system the foundation of optimum health:

Proper functioning of the immune system is infl uenced by

Good nutrition for your immune system


The effect of lifestyle on health

Chapter 8 Stressors of the immune function …………………………….52

Anxiety Stress and Depression and

Effect of stress on the immune system:

Stress interferes with the digestive system

Stress interferes with vitamins and minerals

Stress stresses the skin

Are you taking on more than you can chew

Dealing with stress, Fear, God’s command: “Fear not”

What’s bagging you?

Chapter 9 Rest …………………………………………………………………….61

What is rest? The benefi ts of rest

God’s rest for better health

Rest blockers Toxic emotions

Turning information into action: Laughter

Chapter 10 Sleep …………………………………………………………………..64

Why we need sleep

Problems of sleep deprivation, How much sleep do we need?

The foundation of a good night’s sleep, Can you make up

for lost sleep?

Food for sleep, Lighter meals are relaxing

Avoid stimulants near bed time, Avoid sugar rich foods

Some supplements for a better sleep, Avoid self prescribed

sleeping pills please!

The foundation of a good sleep

Chapter 11 Exercise and Physical activity for Better Health ………….77

Physical activity for Better Health

What are the benefi ts of physical activity?

Insuffi cient physical activity is detrimental to health,

lymph, cell, skin, muscle

Getting started with physical exercise

Chapter 12 Cleansing for Health and Protection ………………………..86

Cleansing: vital for optimum health

Irregular bowel movement can wreck your health,

Junk foods

Toxin invasion, Why pay attention to the warning signals?

Benefi ts of cleansing

Proper cell regeneration: the key to maximum health

The Colon, Constipation, The connection between the

colon and cell health

Liver, Heart and Blood, Lymphatic system

Spleen The lymph The lymph nodes, tonsils,

Respiratory system

Chapter 13 Types of cleansing and cleansing programs ………………103

Detoxifi cation

Dietary cleansing: Fasting, cleansing kits, oral chelation

Enemas and colonics, Other methods or components of


Chapter 14 Fasting……………………………………………………………….106

Common types of fasting, The power of Fasting,

Benefi ts of fasting

Good and bad bacteria, Probiotics, Enzymes and cleansing

Your body is a complex detoxifying machine

Phases and stages of fasting

Chapter 15 Juicing ……………………………………………………………….118

What is juicing? What are the benefi ts of juicing?

How long and how often should you juice fast or fast

Chapter 16 Living foods and nutrients to protect and support body

cleansing and restoration ………………………………………122

Foods to avoid

Chapter 17 Water ………………………………………………………………..138

Water pollution and contamination: Does it matter what

type of water you drink?

Purifying water at home

Importance and functions of water in the body


Chapter 18 Protecting your health from toxins and free radicals ….150

Antioxidants Phytochemicals and Free Radicals, oxidation

Enzymes: Why are enzymes important?

Sources of antioxidants and phytochemicals

Chapter 19 The Power Of Plants ……………………………………………163

Plants: God’s primary provision of nutrition to man

What nutrition do plant foods provide?

Fuel your tank – Plant foods provide energy, fi ber, proteins

Vegetables and fruits have a protective and disease preventive

action in the body.

Shocking wastage of vegetables and fruits

Examples of plant food categories: Selection and storage of

plant foods

The Microwave: Could it be destroying your health?

Turning information into action, Steaming Convection oven

(baking and broiling), Boiling and simmering

How many servings of fruits, vegetables and whole-grain


Chapter 20 Carbohydrates …………………………………………………….186

What are carbohydrates? Simple and Complex

Carbohydrates, Fiber, Glycogen

Carbohydrates are also grouped according to glycemic index

What is the Glycemic Index? The Glycemic Load (GL)

Turning information into action: How to switch to

a Low GI Diet

Physical activity and sleep affect utilization of carbohydrates

Chapter 21 Proteins and amino acids ………………………………………198

Proteins and amino acids, Enzymes, Conjugated Proteins,


Maintaining Fluid Balance, Hemoglobin, Hormones,

Growth and maintenance

The power of plant proteins, Sources of incomplete proteins,

How much protein do we need?

Create Complete Proteins from incomplete proteins, table

The nitrogen balance index and Protein utilization

Protein and weight control, Effect of high protein

diet on health

Hazards of fried and barbecued meat

Turning information into action

Chapter 22 Good Fats for better health ……………………………………215

Are fats friends or foes? What are fats

Unsaturated fat, Monounsaturated fat, Polyunsaturated Fats

The Essential Fatty Acids, Rich sources of Omega 3

What effect do Fatty Acids have on your health? Defi ciency

of Omega-3

Saturated fats

Trans-fats (the worst of fats) I call them lethal fats,

What role do fats play in health? Fats and weight loss

Are you over restricting your good fats?

Turning Information into action Maximizing good fats

Chapter 23 Other Essentials for Health and Vitality ………………….231

Protective Foods, Vitamins, Minerals, Vitamins,

Water soluble vitamins, Vitamin C, sources,, Vitamin B complex

Fat soluble vitamins, Vitamin A, Vitamin E, defi ciency,

supplement and toxicity

Vitamin D, Functions, defi ciency and toxicity supplement

Vitamin D and overweight, Fats that promote

utilization of vitamin D

Trans-fatty acids

Vitamin K, Coenzyme Q10

Chapter 24 Minerals …………………………………………………………….252

Calcium Sources, Defi ciency, Supplementation,

Magnesium, Phosphorus, Chloride, Sodium, The table

salt mix up

Turning information into action, Sodum in

Medication, sulfur

Trace minerals

Factors that may affect utilization of iron Gastrointestinal

tract abnormalities

Blood loss, Diets low in iron, Supplementation Who should

be concerned are

Zinc, Selenium, Boron, Floride, Chromium, Copper, Manganese,


Minerals table

Other micronutrients:

Chapter 25 Dietary or Nutritional Supplements ……………………….273

Choosing Nutritional Supplements

Source of supplements, Read the label, size, expiration date,


Who needs to take dietary supplements?

Hazards of dietary supplements,

Multivitamins, Multiminerals, Fiber


Chapter 26 Managing a healthy weight ……………………………………284

Obesity and overweight

Obesity, Body Mass Index (BMI), Waist circumference

What are the causes of obesity?

Insulin: Conditions related to overweight and obesity

Diabetes: Types of

Insulin resistance, Causes and effect of insulin resistance,

Insulin and Glucagon

Other hormones that affect fat burning or weight gain/loss,


Chapter 27 Making healthy choices ………………………………………..301

Turning information into action. Preparing for change

Weight loss verses better health

Is it possible to lose weight and keep it off?

Benefi ts of a Healthy Eating lifestyle (Diet)

The glycemic index

Low GI verses Low carbohydrate (table)

Are larger food portions sabotaging your goal?

How to improve your plate: Serving Size, Portions at home,

Eating out

Food to avoid for better health

What is in your fridge and pantry? Do keep healthy foods

or dead foods?

Chapter 28 The Life-bursting Juice Cleanse ……………………………..320

Jump start your new lifestyle with the Life-bursting Juice


Ingredients for the Life-Bursting Juice Cleanse:

Juicers and blenders

The Life-bursting Juice Cleanse Guide

Sample juices,

Breaking the fast

Sample meals for Healthy Low GI and GL choices

Key points to remember

Chapter 29 Protecting your new health lifestyle ………………………..334

Change your way of thinking and change your lifestyle

Examples of scriptures to meditate and confess

Prayer and the Word

Submit to the Holy Spirit you are empowered to win

References ……………………………………………………………………………… 339

Acknowledgement ….


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